Saturday, December 28, 2019

Castigo de los 3 o de los 10 años para regresar a EEUU

El castigo de los 3  o de los 10  aà ±os prohà ­be regresar a Estados Unidos cuando se ha estado ilegalmente en el paà ­s y es una de las reglas migratorias que mà ¡s problemas causa, tanto a los migrantes que quieren arreglar sus papeles como a los extranjeros que desean visitar temporalmente EE.UU. Este castigo, que en inglà ©s se conoce como   the three- and ten- year bars, fue creado por la ley Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsability Act (IIRAIRA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Entrà ³ en vigor en 1996 y, por lo tanto, no aplica a las personas que estuvieron ilegalmente en el paà ­s con anterior a esa fecha. En este artà ­culo se explica cà ³mo funciona este castigo, al que en algunos paà ­ses se llama penalidad, y las distintas posibilidades que pueden darse, por lo que es de importancia fundamental entender las particularidades que aplican al caso de cada uno, ya que hay importantes diferencias. Asimismo, se explica  quià ©n califica para un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido  como waiver  o permiso, los casos especiales y se resuelven dudas frecuentes. En quà © consiste el castigo de los 3  y de los 10 aà ±os y a quià ©nes aplica Si eres extranjero y has estado  ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por mà ¡s de 180 dà ­as corridos, es decir, de una sola vez, entonces cuando salgas del paà ­s no podrà ¡s regresar por tres  aà ±os. Pero si el tiempo transcurrido como ilegal es superior a 365 dà ­as continuos, entonces la prohibicià ³n es por 10  aà ±os. Por ejemplo, si ingresaste con una visa de turista y en el I-94 (registro de entrada y de salida) que  te concedieron seis meses para permanecer en Estados Unidos pero te fuiste siete meses mà ¡s tarde de la fecha consignada en el registro de entrada, entonces no podrà ¡s volver en 3  aà ±os, a contar desde la fecha en la que te fuiste. Otro ejemplo, si entraste ilegalmente por la frontera, el tiempo empieza a contarse desde ese dà ­a. Si el gobierno sospecha que has estado como indocumentado en Estados Unidos puede obligarte a probar con documentacià ³n que ese no es el caso. Es decir, no te confundas, el gobierno no tiene que demostrar que has sido un indocumentado. Todo lo contrario, te puede exigir que seas tà º el que tenga esa carga y   enseà ±es boletos de avià ³n, resguardos de tarjetas de crà ©dito o dà ©bito, contratos de arrendamiento o trabajo, facturas, etc., que sirvan para documentar tu presencia fuera de USA. Por à ºltimo, resaltar que este castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os no aplica a todos los extranjeros ya que hay importantes excepciones, como por ejemplo, menores de 18 aà ±os o asilados. Dentro de Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad El castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os tiene consecuencias distintas segà ºn la situacià ³n de la persona extranjera afectada por esta regla. En en primer lugar, veamos el caso de los extranjeros que se encuentran dentro de Estados Unidos y su situacià ³n de ilegalidad excede los 180 dà ­as. Decir que pueden ser expulsados desde el dà ­a 1 de ilegalidad o que puede iniciarse en su contra un procedimiento de deportacià ³n, dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada caso. Ademà ¡s, este castigo puede afectar indirectamente a la hora de intentar de sacar la green card o de intentar obtener una visa no inmigrante al obligar a salir del paà ­s para hacer esos trà ¡mites y, de ese modo, activando el castigo. Pero no siempre es asà ­.   Y es que existe una excepcià ³n para ciertos familiares de ciudadanos americanos que sà ­ podrà ­an ajustar su estatus dentro del paà ­s, a pesar de estar en situacià ³n de indocumentados. Se tienen que dar todos los requisitos siguientes: En primer lugar, ser cà ³nyuge, hijos soltero menor de 21 aà ±os de un ciudadano o padre/madre de un ciudadano mayor de 21 aà ±os. En segundo lugar, haber ingresado a Estados Unidos legalmente. La situacià ³n de ilegalidad se produce por no haber salido del paà ­s dentro del tiempo que les concedà ­a su visa. Es decir, si se ha ingresado cruzando ilegalmente la frontera no se puede ajustar el estatus, incluso aunque se està © casado con un ciudadano o se tengan hijos americanos.   Todas las demà ¡s personas extranjeras que està ¡n ilegalmente en Estados Unidos deben salir del paà ­s para tramitar sus papeles, en lo que se conoce como procedimiento consular. Lo que pueden hacer, si reà ºnen los requisitos, es solicitar antes de salir de Estados Unidos un perdà ³n que se conoce como perdà ³n provisional por estancia ilegal.   Sà ³lo aplica a las personas en proceso de tramitar una tarjeta de residencia permanente y deben poder acreditar que, si no les es concedido, su alejamiento por un tiempo amplio causarà ­a una situacià ³n de dureza extrema a el cà ³nyuge o el padre o la madre que debe ser ciudadano o residente permanente legal. En otras palabras, la dureza extrema que pueda causarse por la separacià ³n al migrante o a sus hijos, si los tiene, es irrelevante. La gran ventaja de obtener este waiver provisional es que, aunque sigue existiendo la obligacià ³n de salir de Estados Unidos para ir a una entrevista a un consulado, ya se viaja con el perdà ³n en la mano, por lo que si todo va bien, la estancia fuera del paà ­s se reducirà ­a a una semana o incluso menos. Destacar respecto a este perdà ³n provisional que su aprobacià ³n no es fà ¡cil y que incluso tenià ©ndolo eso no quiere decir que se obtenga siempre la visa de inmigrante para regresar a Estados Unidos ya que una vez en el consulado pueden aparecer otros problemas de inadmisibilidad. Y por à ºltimo decir que desde el 29 de julio de 2016 este perdà ³n provisional lo pueden pedir todas las personas que cumplen los requisitos antes expresados, sin que importe el camino por el que acceden a la green card, por ejemplo, peticià ³n de empresa, loterà ­a de visas, etc. Penalidad de 3 y 10 aà ±os cuando pide en consulado  una visa no inmigrante Como se ha dicho previamente en este artà ­culo, cuando una persona extranjera està ¡ en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de presencia ilegal por mà ¡s de 180 dà ­as y luego sale del paà ­s se encuentra que no puede regresar por 3 à ³ 10 aà ±os, dependiendo del tiempo que se estuvo ilegalmente.  ¿Quà © pasa si se quiere regresar con una visa no inmigrante tipo turista, estudiante, intercambio, inversià ³n, etc.? En este caso, y al amparo de lo que legalmente se conoce como perdà ³n INA 212 (d)(3) se podrà ­a pedir un perdà ³n por estancia ilegal previa para levantar el problema que convierte a la persona en lo que se conoce tà ©cnicamente como inadmisible para ingresar a Estados Unidos.   Este perdà ³n no es fà ¡cil de obtener y depende de las circunstancias de cada caso. Se pide en el momento en que se solicita la visa no inmigrante que se desea y, para ser aprobado, se van a tener en cuenta tres puntos: la gravedad de la infraccià ³n que se cometià ³si el solicitante es de alguna forma una persona riesgosa para los Estados Unidos o sus leyesla razà ³n por la que la persona quiere viajar a Estados Unidos Es necesario probar con documentacià ³n todo lo que se dice al pedir el perdà ³n y argumentarlo debidamente en una carta. Este tipo de perdà ³n es difà ­cil de obtener, pero no imposible. Ademà ¡s, tener en cuenta que incluso aunque se obtenga es posible que el oficial consultar finalmente niegue la visa, pero por otra causa. Es decir, porque considera que el solicitante de la visa es inelegible para la misma. Finalmente, si ya se ha cumplido el castigo, no es necesario pedir el perdà ³n. Tener en cuenta que es posible que si se pide una visa no inmigrante, à ©sta puede ser negada, pero no por el castigo, que ya no aplica, sino porque se es inelegible. Y es que para sacar una visa de este tipo un requisito es que el oficial consular està © convencido de que la persona que la solicita no se va a quedar en Estados Unidos mà ¡s tiempo del permitido y, là ³gicamente, va a sospechar de quien ya una vez lo hizo. Penalidad de 3 y 10 aà ±os cuando se pide en consulado una visa de inmigrante Un caso muy distinto es el de solicitud pendiente de una visa inmigrante. En estos casos el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os convierte a la persona en inadmisible y, por consiguiente, la green card no es aprobada. Para levantar esta penalidad sà ³lo es posible un perdà ³n I-601 que tiene un requisito muy importante: probar una situacià ³n de dureza extrema para un familiar inmediato que es ciudadano americano o residente permanente de la persona que quiere emigrar y no puede por este problema. Estos perdones no son fà ¡ciles de obtener y se demoran en ser tramitados entre 6 meses y 1 aà ±o, dependiendo de las circunstancias de cada caso y de la carga de trabajo entre los oficiales migratorios. Asimismo, tener en cuenta que, en ocasiones,  ademà ¡s de presentar los documentos para el perdà ³n por la penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os es necesario solicitar conjuntamente otro. Por ejemplo,  el perdà ³n I-212 por deportacià ³n. Casos especiales de perdones por castigo de 3 y 10 aà ±os Las personas que se encuentran en las siguientes categorà ­as deben saber que sus casos para pedir el perdà ³n tienen singularidades especiales, por lo que deberà ­an contactar con un abogado especialista: canadiensespersonas que ingresaron a Estados Unidos bajo el Programa de Exencià ³n de VisasTPS y NACARAVAWA, para casos de violencia domà ©sticaVisa T de trà ¡fico humanoVisa U para và ­ctimas de violenciaPrograma Juvenil Especial   Consejos prà ¡cticos sobre la penalidad de los 3 y 10 aà ±os Tener en cuenta, ademà ¡s, que segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso puede que sea imposible legalmente solicitar el perdà ³n, como asà ­ sucede cuando existe una prohibicià ³n permanente para regresar a Estados Unidos, situacià ³n que ocurre en varios casos como por ejemplo, al ingresar ilegalmente a Estados Unidos despuà ©s de una deportacià ³n. Asimismo, una aclaracià ³n sobre una duda frecuente.  ¿quà © pasa cuando el tiempo como ilegal fue inferior a 180 dà ­as? La respuesta depende del caso. Si se solicita una visa de inmigrante o un ajuste de estatus, en ambos casos para sacar la tarjeta de residencia permanente, ese tiempo de ilegalidad no va a suponer ningà ºn problema. Sin embargo, en los casos en los que se tiene una visa no inmigrante o se ha ingresado a Estados Unidos sin visa pero con una ESTA, automà ¡ticamente se cancela la visa o la ESTA. A partir de ahà ­ es mà ¡s difà ­cil obtener una visa nueva porque ya el oficial consular puede sospechar de los motivos por los que se pide y està ¡ en su derecho de denegarla.   En el caso de espaà ±oles y chilenos que pueden ingresar sin visa, pierden automà ¡ticamente ese derecho y ya siempre tendrà ¡n que pedir una visa si quieren viajar a Estados Unidos. Por todo lo dicho, es claro que el tema del castigo de los tres y de los 10 aà ±os es muy complejo y que las personas afectadas por esta regla  deberà ­an contratar a un  abogado de inmigracià ³n especialista  en este tipo de casos. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa - 4434 Words

1 1 Psychology of Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is currently viewed by society as an extremely complicated disorder, misunderstood, over looked, and misjudged based on the stigmas of society. People who suffer from eating disorders like Anorexia do not always report the fact they are in living with the disorder because they are ashamed or scared of what might happen to them or what people will say. An individual may also feel that they do not met the exact criteria of Anorexia Nervosa in the DSM 5. An example of the DSM 5 criteria for Anorexia Nervosa is an individual purposely takes too little nourishment, has below average body weight, fearful of gaining weight, refusal to keep a normal weight, distorted body perception†¦show more content†¦It could be from a serious life changing even that has caused extreme depression stress or it could begin as someone just wanting to slim down and started dieting. Eating disorders can affect any individual of age, gender, cultural status, and tends to be more preva lent than people think it is. Anorexia Nervosa like most eating disorders are a psychological disorder that has physical damage and can lead to extreme health issues mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally. These damages tend to be long term rather than short term depending on how long the person living with disorder has been acting on it. Anorexia Nervosa can be applied to abnormal psychology because the criteria in the DSM 5 has a defining statement and checklist of what is normal eating habits and abnormal eating habits. The outcome of the abnormal eating habits is what causes the other factors and behaviors to lead to a diagnosis. Eating disorders can cause distress, danger, dysfunction, and deviance in an individual which is the main reason Anorexia Nervosa meets the criteria for the diagnosis out of the DSM 5. Furthermore, eating disorders can be an overlapping diagnosis of science. By breaking down the disorder into two main schools of thought will help gain differen t perspective on Anorexia and relate it to the psychological abnormality. I. Biological School of Thought on Anorexia Nervosa Having any type ofShow MoreRelatedEating Disorder : Anorexia Nervosa1622 Words   |  7 Pages Bulimia Nervosa To be diagnosed with eating disorder, someone must meet certain criteria. The criterion for diagnosis slightly varies depending on if you are referring to people who (A) fear gaining weight, and have significant weight loss,(B) eating a huge amount of food , then use laxative to remove the binged food, (C) the use of excessive exercise and fasting in order to remove or to reduce the amount of calories consumed, and (D) distorted body image, no matter how thin they become, theyRead MoreEating Disorder : Anorexia Nervosa1658 Words   |  7 Pagesbeen affected by this disorder. The specific disorder that is being referred to in this paper, an eating disorder, is Anorexia Nervosa, the restricting type. An eating disorder â€Å"involve[s] disordered eating behaviors and maladaptive ways of controlling body weight† (Nevid, Rathus, Greene, 2014, p. 335). Another well-known eating disorder is Bulimia Nervosa which is characterized by binging and purging (Nevid, Rathus, Greene, 2014, p. 338). Bulimia is different than anorexia since victims of bulimiaRead MoreEating Disorders And Anorexia Nervosa Essay1948 Words   |  8 Pagesnotion of an â€Å"ideal† body and eating disorders, there is no consensus as to the root cause of eating disorders. The general belief is that eating disorders result from one or more biological, behavioral, and social factors including genetics, unpleasant experiences/trauma, peer pressure, teasing, and family members with eating disorders, among others. There are numerous types of eating disorders. Both women and men are affected by eating disorders each day. Eating disorders can occur from an early ageRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa1493 Words   |  6 PagesIllness Paper – Anorexia Nervosa February 28, 2016 According to the Mayo Clinic (2016), eating disorders are â€Å"conditions related to persistent eating behaviors that negatively impact your health, your emotions, and your ability to function in important areas of life.† One such eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. Not to be confused with anorexia, which is simply a general loss of appetite that can be attributed to many medical ailments, anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder and mental illnessRead MoreEating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa1653 Words   |  7 PagesAnorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is one of several subtypes descending from feeding and eating disorders. It is a crippling life-threatening condition marked by a patient placing restriction on energy intake relative to needed energy requirements, resulting in a relentless pursuit of low body weight in the context of age, sex, development and physical health. According to American Psychiatric Publishing of diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa, often timesRead MoreEating Disorders And Anorexia Nervosa947 Words   |  4 PagesEating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder consist of emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Up to 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S (ANAD, n.d.) bulimia nervosa as well as the other eating disorders are considered to be a female eating disorder, a disorder that only affects women which limits males to seek treatment let alone make aware to other that they suffer from bulimiaRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa974 Words   |  4 PagesI have always been intrigued with eating disorders, particularly Anorexia Nervosa. When I was 18 years of age, my mother questioned whether or not I was Anorexic and she took me to the family practitioner, who then informed me that I was three pounds shy from being considered underweight. I knew I was thin, but I was really thin, but also really proud of my size. In an African American urban environment being thin was related to illness and drug abuse. I was often teased about how thin and fragileRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa889 Words   |  4 PagesANAD Eating Disorder Statistics about thirty million people in America of all ages and genders suffer from one of the three main eating disorders. Many people suffer from more than one of the eating disorders. Only 1 in 10 individuals receive the treatment that is needed to recover(AND A). Often eating disorders are known to be triggered by outside factors in their life, but studies show that it is more likely to be a part of their genetics. According to Webster the definition of an â€Å"Eating Disorder†Read MoreAnorexia Nervosa- Eating Disorder1685 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of anorexia are mostly seen on the outside of the victim’s body, but do not be fooled. This detrimental eating disorder affects one’s mind just as much as it would the body. What Anorexia does to the mind is that it distorts the way one views their body. Victims of anorexia become fixated on their body image and overly critical about their flaws and weight. Even being obviously underweight, Anorexics will continuously deny that they have a problem and continue with their fatal practices.Read MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa1462 Words   |  6 Pagessuffer from many illnesses, one in particular is eating disorders. There are many types of eating disorders, but there are three common ones that are known today, which are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Eating disorders are not healthy, thi s type of disease can be very fatal and crucial to one s health   mentally, physically, and socially. The purpose of this report is to provide background information about eating disorders, strategies to prevent this illness from occurring

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Communication free essay sample

Communication is an integral part of human life, it is a way of bringing people together as well as a means of making our concerns and needs known to others [Casey, 2014]. According to Sabo [2006], Kourkouta and Papathanasiou [2014], they believed, communication is not only a successful means of conveying people skills and information, but it is also a medium which allows people to interact with one another within a different environment.Communication can be described as a process of sending and receiving verbal and non-verbal message between two or more people [De Vito, 2011; Balzer Riley, 2011]. Non-verbal communication can be expressed by gestures, postures, physical barriers and facial expressions which are interpreted by both the sender and the receiver [Hargie, 2011]. Importantly, non-verbal communication allows spoken messages to be adjusted and reinforced, thereby gives room for flowing of information to be regulated and make it easy for the relationship between the communica tors to be recognised [Webb, 2011]. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, transmitting of message or information from sender can be effective by not only considering the clarity, tone and purpose of the message and interpretation through the feedback from the receiver [Berlo, 1960; Miller Nicholson, 1976]. But it put into account the intrinsic factors such values, belief, culture, roles, goal, and education and the extrinsic factor such as physical environment like loud noise and sounds that can distort the message [De Vito, 2011].In nursing, communication is another life entirely in which nurses live, Royal College of Nursing, 2012 believe that nurses are the heart of the communication processes. This means, nurses are the one who spent majority of time closely with their patient more than the other healthcare practitioners, hence, it gives them the ability to organise the patients care by communicating with them as well as the other practitioners involved in their care [McCabe and Timmins, 2006]. Furthermore, communication is a day-to-day job activity in nursing with different multi disciplinaries [Hart, 2010], with that, nurses must be a good communicator to be able to relay information to other practitioners to ensure the best service is delivered. With effective communication, nu rses help other practitioners to receive more information from the clients they cared for, Casey [2011] believes that nurses and other practitioners form an important part of the communication process in a healthcare industry.However, for a nurse to deliver a successful communication, it must be patient-centred [McCabe and Timmins, 2006], thus this practice shows that we put the clients at the heart of their care by involving them in their care planning through communication process. By doing so, it creates a kind of trust relationship between the nurse and their clients leading to client confident and empowerment which allows them to discuss their emotional and physical needs with their nurses because they feel more valued and relaxed with them [Bensing, 1991]. Communication involves interpersonal and intrapersonal means of dissemination of information [Ruesch, 1961] which can be either be positive or negative depending on the feelings, thought and intention of both the receiver and the sender [Catherine ; Fiona, 2013].This essay will look at the importance of communication in general, as well as how vital communication is in nursing, at the same time to analysis a reflective account on my interaction with two different clients during my placement as a student. Meanwhile, part of this reflective account will be centred on what I did not do well that I needed to improve on that will enable me do things differently next time to deliver a good standard of care. The essay will also stress on what I did well and why did I do it well.Collins, [2015] described the communication in the nursing profession as an on-going process of keeping a good therapeutic relationship with patients and maintaining consistency and steadiness between professionals f or a quicker recovery and quality healthcare delivery. To achieve better understanding of the importance of communication in nursing profession, this essay will focus on the report of my experiences and interactions with two different clients during placement in which Sue and Lona will be used to denote the names of the clients as a good practice to protect their confidentiality [Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015].SCENARIO 1This scenario was my first interaction was a remarkable experience with a client named Lona [not real], Lona was a young girl with a learning difficulty, she has profoundly deaf on right ear while on the left ear, she relied on hearing aid for support. I was aware that Lona does communicate with orally which was not great but can as well make use of Picture Communication Exchange System (PECS), to pass her message.However, because her community leave was postponed due to severe weather, she was low in mood and worried that she might never get to go out to the community again. I was about to support another client when Lona approached me for one to one session as part of her coping skills. Furthermore, according to Carl Rogers, 1951, he believes, there are three main conditions to deliver an effective communication in nursing, they are empathy, unconditional positive regards and congruence. Empathy is about putting yourself in someone situation to understand their feelings. Unconditional positive regards mean as a nurse you must be non- judgemental, you must show empathy and compassion to their patient in respective of their past, their feelings and thought must be respected. Lastly, congruence is about nurse ability treat client w ith sincerity and control. These values help to maintain the Genuity of the clients thus, enable them feel relax with the nurses as well as being valued.REFLECTIONReflection is a self-motivation awareness, believe and procedure, in which our previous practice is examined, and our mistakes are learn from which help individual respond to the similar situation in an effective manner [Nursing Center, 2011]Reflection is a vital tool in nursing practice, that helps nurses recollect what they did and reflect on whether it went well or not and if not, and how they do it differently next time. Reflective account allows nurses to provide the best standard of care to their clients thereby empower them to measure their communication skills [Siviter, 2008].Sully and Dallas [2010] argued that reflective account is vital to the development of nursing profession. They emphasised that reflective account is aimed to promote their efforts which will lead to their individual better practice. There are many barriers to reflection , they are; professional pride, lack of time and criticism, nevertheless, reflection can help us to avoid mistakes, it can also help to increase job opportunities as well as allowing people to make use of the best skill available [RNC,2013].Majority of the people discover they learn from their experience and reflection is a good means to achieve that. According to Professor Graham Gibbs, in 1988, he pinpointed six stages that can help reflective procedure thereby creating awareness to the people by learning from their past mistakes [Mind Tools, 2015]. Gibbs reflection stages includes, experience, feelings, evaluations, conclusion and action. Gibbs, 1988, emphasised that emotions and feelings have effect in a situation, he also recognises how individual feeling can have impact on situation and how person can reflect upon it [The Open Univrsity,2015].On the first scenario, I think did not go well because I failed to take many factors into consideration, but still it was a great experienced because we learn by mistake, I believe next time I will not make such mistakes.At the end, I questioned myself whether the pace at which I communicated with Lona was appropriate? Did I really show enough empathy to Lona? Did Lona really receive the quality care he deserved? [Bagay, 2012]. I got myself answered with all these questions and reflect on it for future amendment.To achieve best healthcare delivery, successful communication of the messages that links the clients, nurses and the carers together must be comprehended through active listening [Mary Ann Boyd, 2008]. I think empathy shown to Lona was not great, because despite I am aware of Lona hearing impairment, which I failed to notice that she did not wear her hearing aid at the time we were talking could be a big barrier to her understanding. She was also trying to tell me something but I could not understand, and I was not bothered, this could affect Lonas emotion because I failed to listen.To deliver an effective communication, we need to show empathy, which is about putting yourself in someone situation as well as knowing their need [Skill You Need, 2014]. To show an effective empathy, we must know the person we are working with and the type of communication that is the best for them, this will enable us to communicate effectively and thus make is easy for them to understand us better as well [Improve Your Social, 2015]. In nursing, learning disability in particular, thorough understanding of understanding of our clients will give us ability to care and communicate with them g enuinely and accordingly this will make them comfortable around us. As a result, person-cantered approach of communication will develop once we have understood their individual needs and able to deal with it accordingly [Improve Your Social Skills. com, 2015]. With my inability to show good empathy towards Lona, next time I believe I will do things differently. I will ensure that before starting conversation with Lona of anyone of her nature I will make sure not to rush to any communication to ascertain that everything is in place to achieve an effective communication between both party.Furthermore, I needed to work on my pace whenever I am communicating with other people to ensure better understanding on the other party. The reason being that, apart from the fact that I was in hurry when dealing with Lona because of another commitment which I had, I realised my pace in general was too fast to meet with the need of the people I am working with.According to [Skill You Need, 2014], the rate at which we take to speak or talk to people is called pace. To achieve an effective communication, Speaking Freely, 2015, argues that we must not talk too fast to allow the receiver to process it otherwise, it will turn to jargon. At the same time talk should not be too slow so as not to make it bore to the receiver.As a learning disability nurse, it is vital to maintain the same pace when dealing with our clients according to their individual need to keep the communication going smoothly. During reflection I realised Lona was not with me when I was talking to her probably because of my pace as well as some other factors, she was just sitting there staring at something without any sign of acknowledgment of what I was saying, showing she did not comprehend anything. Next time I will make sure that apart from putting everything in place, I will ensure my pace of speech is controlled to individual need and I will maintain it to the end.However, I will also ensure that, communication takes place in a perfect environment to avoid distraction, I should also make sure more time is allowed whenever I want to have conversation with any client to prevent rushing.I think, I did not give Lona full concentration when she was talking to me, I was using body language to communicate with someone else again, therefore, I failed to respect her thought [Perry, 1996].Also, I realised that when interacting with Lona, the pace of my speaking was too fast, which I considered as a barrier that might make it difficult for her to process and comprehend what is being said [Miller Nicholson, 1976], thinking this could left her confused because she can understand what I said due to the fact that she did not wear the hearing aid. Furthermore, I felt empathy shown to Lona was not great, because empathy is one of the determinants of good communication, it allows you to understand the feelings and the needs of the other party (, 2015).I realised that Lona did not wear her hearing aid could be a barrier that can have impact big impact on her emotion as she might not hear me properly and she could not express herself properly. I made it difficult for her to understand my message by not taking her hear impairment into consideration before the start of the communication [William J Reynolds, 2000].I felt guilty when I realised that Lona did not have her hearing aid on and I failed to check it before commencing the communication with her. Again, empathy shown to Lona was not great because she was left out as she might not hear me properly and she cannot communicate properly, she was not relaxed nor involved I supposed [Rushton, 1981].SCENARIO 2The second scenario was between me and a client called Sue n ot the real name, with her personal hygiene. Sue is a young lady with Autism Spectrum Disorder [ASD] Disorder and Down syndrome disease who appeared to be distressed due to coming up of her mum death anniversary. Sue has slow ability to process information, she needed more time when talking to her to allow her process it. I approached Sue with a warmth by being genuine, I was able to comfort her with empathy. I demonstrated sincerity to show that I care, as I was aware of her feelings. I did not ignore her, and I put myself in her position, I was there for her to show her all the emotional support she needed, I did not criticise nor judge her for what she did. I did all these to make her feel valued, respected and supported.I used question to obtain information from Sue, Skills You Need, 2014, recommends that, for a successful communication, questioning is the primary technique in gathering information. The essence of communication can not be over emphasis in nursing because it promotes therapeutic relationship in nursing which encourage clients participation and give them sense of belonging and reassurance [Nursing, 2007]. I allowed Sues more involvement using more open questions so as not to make it difficult for her, on the other hand, I tried not to use any closed question in other not to get Sue confused.At the end, because of my previous experience which I have learnt from, I am pretty sure my interaction with Sue was far better. I think, I displayed many communication skills which facilitates effectiveness and this is down to better understanding of the client condition [William J Reynolds, 2000].Active listening and more time allowed helped to map out when Sue was struggling through her body language, but with patient and warmth support, I will consider the whole communication to be successful.Conclusively, there is no doubt that communication play a significant ro le in delivery of good quality health care. Communication gives room for effective coordination and sharing of information among nurses, clients and other healthcare professionals. It is now concluded that through good communication skills, nurses can create a peaceful environment whereby the patient can feel safe, cared for, feel respected and also achieve a sense of control over their care. On my reflection, combined the two interaction I had with different patient, I have explored into communication skills which I acknowledged the needs for further improvement in my personal practice which I thought may affect healthcare delivery, more importantly the need to know and understand patient feeling, needs before interacting with them, control the pace of speaking to ensure they are communicated and comprehend, then build up therapeutic relationship will enhance successful communication flow. I therefore assured that these communication skills will be developed and put into practice in my nursing career.REFERENCE:Asselin M and Cullen A, 2011, Improving Practice Through Reflection, Nursing 2011, Volume 41 (4), pp 44-46Bagay J, 2012, Self-Reflection in Nursing, Journal of Professional Nursing, 28 (2), pp 130-131 Communication free essay sample A closed question allows information to be obtained quickly and effectively without getting confused, with long answers. This is effective in a busy environment such as a walk in centre as it prevents people waiting to be seen to for a long time. In the role play it was effective as the girl may feel embarrassed about the situation, which means she may try to only briefly discuss the matter meaning she may miss out some important information, which could prolong the time it takes for her to get the implant there for using simple yes no answers it will reduce the chance of her getting confused. This prevents any complications by allowing the nurse to know what questions to ask to get the correct information. However by using simple closed questions, it prevents the girl from being able to give a more through answer meaning the nurse may not get all the information needed. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Keeping good eye contact this means keeping the appropriate level of eye contact when communicating with the service user/patient, it also links into facial expressions as people use their eye when using facial expressions, such as if a person is shocked they may widen their eyes and lift their eye brows, or if they are angry they may frown etc. In the role play it had many positive factors such as; it shows the nurse is interested in the matter, which means the girl will feel more comfortable to share information about the matter, as she will feel like her problem matters, and the nurse is concerned, as if the nurse did not retain good eye contact the girl may feel like the nurse isn’t bothered about her matter, which can cause her to feel angry, upset and even frustrated. Also as stated by an article ‘’Looking down or away from them can come off as aloof, especially if the person is telling you about something important or trying to get your attention. ’’ This may look unprofessional which may cause a trust issue between the patient and the nurse, which may result in the patient not wanting treatment from that nurse, which can slow down treatment. Tone This means how high or deep your voice is when communicating. Which happens naturally when communicating to people, to express emotion or can indicate certain things such as ‘’sarcasm, anger, affection, or confidence’’ this can effect a health and social care practice positively as it can allow the nurse to sound positive for example if all the treatment goes well, the nurse may use a higher pitched voice to suggest its positive, which allows the patient to understand better without needing to use jargons etc. Around younger people, which may confuse them. Tone also effects your timing and pausing words such as â€Å"ahh† and â€Å"uh-huh. † Which allows the nurse to think about her response to allow her to give a better answer and prevent the wrong information being passed on. However tone of voice may be harder to recognise for people with hearing difficulties, which can restrict them from knowing if the situation is positive or negative, and therefor restrict the amount of information they get. Tone of voice can also be hard to tell for some people, which are hard to read therefore patients may get confused as to if the situation is serious or not. In addition according to K. Tschiesche ‘’the tone of voice we use is responsible for about 35-40 percent of the message we are sending’’ which is why it is important that health care practitioners have a good understanding on this communication method as if it is not used correctly, most of the message wont be fully understood. Communication free essay sample How is information spread within a company? Information spread due to internal and external channels within a company. 2) Which internal and external channels of communication are used? What are their tasks? There are two types of communication channels: internal and external. Intranet is one of internal channels that is used to spread information within a company due to internal websites only accessible by employees. Next channel, that can be both internal and external, is company magazine. It may try to demonstrate how a company is putting its mission statement into action. Externally, advertising has been the most visible form of communication with customers. Usually it designed to increase product sales, but there is also institutional advertising, designed to improve perceptions of the company as a whole. Furthermore, customer service center is two-way communication between company and customers. It is designed to gather information from customers about all aspects of use of a company’s products. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What is more, one of the most important sphere of external communication is public relations, that include investor relations, press conferences, press releases. The main aim of PR is manipulate the moulding of the company’s image. 3) What makes a good communicator? ‘Good communicators really listen to people and take in what is said. They maintain eye contact and have a relaxed body language, but they seldom interrupt and stop people talking. If they don’t understand and want to clarify something they wait for a suitable opportunity. When speaking, effective communicators are good at giving information. They do not confuse their listener. They make their points clearly. They will avoid technical terms, abbreviations or jargon. If they do need to use unfamiliar terminology they explain by giving an easy to understand example. Furthermore, although they may digress and leave the main point to give additional information and details where appropriate, they will not ramble and lose sight of their main message. Really effective communicators who have the ability to engage with colleagues, employees, customers and suppliers are a valuable asset for any business. ’ 4) Why have communications improved in recent years? How can they improve in the future? Can you give example of a really good communication between companies and their customers? Communication between companies is much better now than in the past especially this great improvement in the last ten years and the reason for that is the introduction of new communication channels, i. e. the Internet, mobile phones, instant messaging etc. So, it has definitely improved communication and become a two-way channel between customers but there are definitely scope of improving communication in terms of timeliness of the communication and giving more control to the customers so they control the communication with companies rather than companies communicating with customers without their permission. The best example of communication between companies and customers is where companies empower their customers to be in control of the information most needed by them and communicate only targeted issues which are of interest to customers. A good example of company communicating with customers is for example a bank keeping them updated by e-mail or SMS, commonly referred to as text messaging. When a customer’s salary has been credited or he’s crossed the overdraft limit. This information is useful to customers and adds value while making financial decisions. 5) How can a breakdown in communication seriously affect a business? Breakdown in communication can bring the world to a halt today. We’re living in an information society whose foundation is based on efficient communication. For example, recent breakdown in communication of our country’s A-traffic control system led to a twenty-hour closure of all airports in the country and a resulting delay in flights globally. Nowadays, companies and their suppliers are tied up with agreements where they pay huge fines, by the hour, for delay in fixing communication systems. This is more prevalent in the banking industry, where, for example, if a cash machine breaks down, every hour there is a delay in fixing the cash machine, there is a fine which is paid by the engineering company. And the reason for that is every hour when there is a delay, the bank loses money. This requires good communication between the bank and the engineering company, or it results in loss of money for both parties. 6) What internal communication problems do businesses have? There are three main internal communication problems in businesses. Firstly, new world of high-tech can create barriers senior managers hide behind their computers, staff use voice mail to screen calls, and employees sitting next to each other will send e-mails rather than speak. Another problem is simply hitting the ‘reply all’ button, bombarding people with information. Information overload means people stop listening. And the last, but not the least problem is that employees develop common loyalties that are far stronger than the need to share information. 7) How can they overcome the problems? To solve these kinds of problems it is necessary to identify the sub-groups within an organisation and to make sure each group feels valued. It will encourage people to share information, because the key to communication is trust.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The British Splendid Isolation free essay sample

Finance Minister George Eulas Foster (1847–1931) to the Parliament of Canada on 16 January 1896: In these somewhat troublesome days when the great Mother Empire stands splendidly isolated in Europe The ultimate origin of the phrase is suggested in Robert M. Hamiltons Canadian Quotations and Phrases: Literary and Historical (Hull, Que. : McClelland and Stewart, 1952), which places the Foster quotation beneath the following passage from the Introduction to Robert Cooneys Compendious History of New Brunswick, published in 1832: Never did the Empress Island appear so magnificently grand, – she tood by herself, and there was a peculiar splendour in the loneliness of her glory. Foster began his career as an educator in New Brunswick , [2] where he would certainly have had access to Cooneys history. Thus, the elements of, and the sentiments underlying, the phrase appear to have originated in colonial New Brunswick during the reign of William IV, approximately 64 years before it became known as a catch-phrase for British foreign policy. Background During the late 19th century, Britains primary goal in foreign policy was to maintain the balance of power in Europe and to intervene should that balance be upset. Its secondary goal was to protect its overseas interest in the colonies and dominions, as free trade was what kept the Empire alive. The sea routes to the colonies, especially those linking Britain to India (via the Suez Canal), were vital. The policy of Splendid Isolation is perceived to have been characterized by a reluctance to enter into permanent European alliances or commitments with the other Great Powers and by an increase in the importance given to British colonies, protectorates and dependencies overseas in an era of increasing competition in the wider world, a situation elatively unknown since Britains conflicts with France during the eighteenth century. Change After the 1871 unification of German Empire , Bismarck sought alliances with other European powers to prevent Frances revenge. Successful alliances began with the Dreikaiserbund and Dual Alliance, 1879. The Triple Alliance was formed in 1882, the signing countries being Germany, Austria-Hungary , and Italy. The rise of Germany in both industrial and military terms alarmed Britain though there was an appreciation by British policy makers that under Bismarck the country was largely a status quo power. It was not until the naval aspirations of Germany under the guidance of the German Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz in the years following Bismarcks fall that Whitehall became especially alarmed. After the Triple Intervention in China, leading politicians, such as Joseph Chamberlain questioned the policy of remaining free of formal alliances. On the other side of the world, the Triple Intervention also deeply humiliated Japan, which also realised that a strong ally in Europe was needed for the world to recognise its status as a power. At the core of Salisburys olicy was a desire to avoid war with another great power or combination of powers and thus ensure that Britains lines of communications with its Empire remained secure. The main threat of war came from Russia and there was concern that she would seize the Straits and Constantinople and threaten Britains communication to India, something Britain had almost gone to war with Russia during the Great Eastern Crisis to prevent. Despite thi s, this seizure of Egypt in 1882 had changed the situation and over the next few decades, as attempts to get out of Egypt n favourable terms failed, the focus on the Straits declined. Nevertheless, the maintenance of the status quo in the Mediterranean was hugely desirable and the result was the First Mediterranean Agreement with Italy and Austria-Hungary by which they pledged to act in concert with each other in times of crisis. The Second Mediterranean Agreement, concluded 12 December 1887, was even more specific in its aims, though it still had no binding agreements which meant that it did not need to be laid before Parliament. [3] The importance of these agreements was that Salisbury was able to align British policy with that of Germany, without having to enter a formal alliance. Through them he was able to maintain an understanding with the German Chancellor, Bismarck to solve mutual problems, with Bismarck being a useful counterweight to French meddling in Egypt, and Britain being a useful ally of Austria-Hungary, thus meaning Bismarck did not have to choose between his two allies, Russia and Austria- Hungary, when they were at odds in the Balkans. This policy broke down with the fall of Bismarck though and the increasing alarm at the nstable behaviour of the new German emperor, Wilhelm II. With rising German hostility and naval expansion, and the Dual Alliance between France and Russia the result was that Britains politicians became more concerned with the international situation. With Kaiser Wilhelm intent on ending Britains free ride on the coat-tails of the Triple Alliance'[4] and the clearer descent into two power blocs Britain faced the stark ch oice of remaining isolated or acceding to one of these alliances. Britain had come close to war with European powers at the turn of the 20th century. For instance, the Fashoda Crisis in 1898, while a diplomatic victory for Britain, was a worrying situation as had war broken out, she would have had to fight France alone, and there was always the possibility of Russian intervention on Frances side. Because of her small army, she would have had to rely on her navy. There was also always the fear of war with Russia over Russian expansionism in Central Asia (see: The Great Game) and also a lesser fear of war with the United States , who opposed a British quarrel with Venezuela over the mutual border with British Guiana. Abandonment Britains isolation was formally ended by the 1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance . Britain began to normalise its relations with European countries that it had disputes with, and the Entente Cordiale and the Anglo-Russian Entente were signed in 1904 and 1907 respectively. The Alliance System was finally formed in the same year as the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente, and is considered an important factor in the outbreak of World War I . [5] Salisbury never used the term to describe his approach to foreign policy, and even rgued against its use. It could be claimed that Britain was not isolated during this period owing to her informal alignments such as the two Mediterranean Agreements as well as the fact that it still traded with other European powers and remained heavily connected with the Empire. In addition, Salisbury never thought isolation to be splendid as he considered it dangerous to be completely uninvolved with European affairs.